Guide for First-time Fundraisers

What is Give.Asia?

Founded in 2009, Give.Asia is one of Asia's oldest crowdfunding platforms. Give.Asia is a free platform for individuals, groups and organizations to raise funds for charities and personal causes. We  have raised over SGD 80 million for charitable causes and partners with 700+ organizations across Asia.

Give.Asia, together with three other fundraising platforms in Singapore, co-developed the Code of Practice for Online Charitable Fund-Raising Appeals with the Commissioner of Charities to uphold standards of transparency and accountability.


Is it safe to donate on Give.Asia?

Types of Campaigns

Give.Asia is a platform primarily supporting causes that benefit the community and society. The majority of campaigns relates to medical, charity, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, animals, private (memorial funds, corporate internal fundraising, support funds for family members).


What types of campaigns can be launched on Give.Asia?

Getting your campaign approved

Campaigns need to be verified before they get published on the platform (with the exception of charity campaigns). The most common reason for campaign rejection is a lack of information. The quickest way to get your campaign verified is to provide sufficient information in the form of official documents and details about your situation.

1. Official Documents

Type Documents Required
  • Photo identification for the beneficiary
  • Official medical documents with doctor's official stamp and date stating: name of beneficiary and ID number, name of hospital, beneficiary's condition, and doctor's evaluation
  • Financial documents: hospital bills and proof of financial difficulty
Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief
  • Correspondence between you and non-profit organisation
  • Official medical documents on recommended treatment plan and estimated costs
  • Financial documents: proof of financial difficulty
  • Photo identification of person who will be receiving the donations
  • Correspondence between you and non-profit organisation
  • Fundraising plan for internal/organisation fundraising / justification for fundraising target
  • Death Certificate for memorial fundraising

2. Details about your situation

The more we know about your situation, the simpler it is for us to determine the legitimacy of your campaign.

  1. Give an introduction of who you are 
  2. Describe your relationship with the beneficiary or the cause you are supporting
  3. Explain in detail on the challenge and difficulty faced by the beneficiary in need and why people should help them
  4. Support your story with photos or videos
  5. Elaborate on the fundraising target by giving a breakdown of how the money is going to be used

How long does it take to get a fundraising campaign approved?

How do I run a successful campaign?

Being clear, transparent and honest when sharing your story will help your campaign capture the attention of people. We have complied many useful tips that can help you to craft a better campaign.

Don't worry if you are not confident in your writing, we have writers who can help you once your campaign is approved. The most important thing you can do is to share your story.


Tips for a successful fundraising campaign

Tips for choosing your campaign title

Tips for choosing campaign images?

Tips for a compelling campaign story?

Fees Involved

Give.Asia has no admin fee, and our running costs come from the generosity of donors who choose to give an optional tip when they make a donation. There is a payment processing fee of 1.5% which applies to every donation made that is charged by our payment provider.


What fees are applied to donations?

How do payouts / withdrawals work?

To increase trust and transparency and reduce the risk of fraud, we can only make payouts to trusted organisations, with the exception of private campaigns. All payouts are processed on the 05th of every month. You will need to submit the payout request form by the 15th in order for it to be processed within that month.

We understand that there may be urgency in some situations, we will consider those on a case-by-case basis. 

Type Payout To Frequency
Medical (SG) Hospital, Medical Service Organisations Once a month (one-time request)
Medical (Others) Hospital, Medical Service Organisations Up to once a month*
Charity Charity or Non-profit Organisation Once a month (automatic)
Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief Charity or Non-profit Organisation Up to once a month (upon request)
Animal Veterinary Clinic Up to once a month (upon request)
Private Private bank account End of the campaign (upon request)

*Please check with Give.Asia local charity partners

Click here to start your first fundraising campaign!

Start your fundraising journey with Give.Asia!

If you have any inquiries or need assistance, contact us at: [email protected].

We value your input, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us whenever you need support!

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