Can I donate in currencies other than SGD?

While direct donations in currencies other than SGD are not supported, we offer a transparent and user-friendly process to show the equivalent donation amount in your preferred currency during the donation process.

Let's see how it works:

Step 1: Visit the campaign or Movement to which you want to donate

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the currency conversion table.

Step 2: Change the currency to the one you prefer using the options provided

Step 3: Read any prompts that appear and select "Continue" to proceed

Step 4: Choose the option to "Donate Monthly" if applicable

Step 5: Select the donation amount in SGD

Our system will automatically display the equivalent amount in the currency you have chosen.

For example, if you choose to donate 30 SGD, it will show the equivalent amount in MYR, USD, or any other currency you select.

Step 6: Follow the remaining donation steps to complete your contribution

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