How do I donate using PayNow?

PayNow is available for campaign or charity donation currency in Singapore dollars (SGD) and for one-time donations only.

Donating on Give.Asia using a mobile device

Step 1: Find a campaign that you wish to donate to, then tap "Please donate"

Step 2: Enter or select an amount, then tap "Continue"

Step 3: Scroll down and tap "Donate with PayNow"

Step 4: After the PayNow QR code is generated

Zoom in to have a clear full picture of the QR code.

Take a screenshot of the QR code.

Step 5: Open your bank app or payment app

Select the option to scan a QR code and upload this screenshot saved earlier.

You can complete the payment now. 

Donating on Give.Asia using a desktop computer

Step 1: Find a campaign that you wish to donate to, then tap "Please Donate"

Step 2: Enter or select an amount, then tap Continue

Step 3: Scroll down and tap Donate with PayNow

Step 4: Keep the generated PayNow QR code tab open in your browser

Important: The payment processing by PayNow might be slightly longer than cards. Please let us know if you do not receive the confirmation email within 2 hours.

You will see that the recipient's name is STRIPE PAYMENTS SINGAPORE PTE LTD which is correct.

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