Tips for choosing your campaign title

The name of your fundraising story is more than just a headline on the fundraising page. Like the title of a book, it can either attract people or put them off. Many people will decide whether to click through and read about your cause based solely on your campaign title. 

1. Catch attention

To inspire more clicks on your campaign page, use words that stimulate interest or compassion, tell a story and inspire action. It is also important to make the title concise so that the attention will not deviate.  

2. Personalize with name

Your title should include the name of the individual or the name of the organisation receiving the funds. Similarly, if your cause is related to a known disaster, consider adding its name to your title. Name in the title makes it distinctive and easier for people to search and find your campaign. 

Adding a name to the title also makes your story more authentic and adds a personal touch that people find compelling – no matter if they know the person or not. 

3. Consider tone

Make sure that the tone of the title matches the cause you’re fundraising for. Medical fundraising requires a respectful tone. Fundraising for charity organisations and their events can get a boost from motivational and inspiring titles.

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