How long does it take to get a fundraising campaign approved?

We welcome fundraising campaigns that help people in need. However, campaigns need to be verified before they get published on the platform. We will reach out to you within two working days if sufficient information is provided and the type of campaign is supported. The time taken for verification varies depending on the case. 

We understand that some fundraising campaigns are urgent and we try our best to approve those campaigns as soon as possible without compromising trust and safety for our donors.

How Do I Speed up the Verification Process

The most common reason for campaign rejection is the lack of information, when you create a campaign, you will receive an email with instructions to upload documents needed for verification. 

These are the documents you should upload to help our fundraising team speed up the process of verification:

  1. Photo identification for the beneficiary
  2. Official medical documents with doctor's official stamp and date stating: name of beneficiary and ID number, name of hospital, beneficiary's condition, and doctor's evaluation
  3. Financial documents: hospital bills and proof of financial difficulty

In addition to the documents, it is important for us to understand the situation that the beneficiary is facing, you can include this information in the Campaign Story section which you can find under the ManageEdit of your pending campaign. You should:

  • Give an introduction of who you are 
  • Describe your relationship with the beneficiary or the cause you are supporting
  • Explain in detail on the challenge and difficulty faced by the beneficiary in need and why people should help them
  • Support your story with photos or videos
  • Elaborate on the fundraising target by giving a breakdown of how the money is going to be used
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